24-hour (ambulatory) blood pressure monitor with OXY (SpO2) module

Prevent sleep-related traffic accidents! Screen for sleep apnea!

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), a sleep-related breathing disorder, is not only an independent risk factor for hypertension, but it also raises the risk of both traffic accidents and cardiovascular mortality.

Screen for OSAS with Meditech apneABP, an ambulatory blood pressure monitor with OXY (SpO2) module, which can be used for early recognition in primary care.

Meditech apneABP features and benefitsscreen for sleep apnea

- full 24-hour blood pressure profile for diagnosing hypertension
- full SpO2 profile for diagnosing apneic episodes
- full actigraphy profile for monitoring physical activity levels
- pulse waveforms for an insight on artery conditions

In around 30% of all patients undergo a polysomnography, no apnea is detected. Meditech apneABP is a reliable and inexpensive tool to screen for apnea in your hypertensive patients in primary care.


risks of undiagnosed osas