EasyABPM vs. CardioVisions Holter blood pressure monitor software
Quick programming & analysis, printable ABPM report
Programming of Meditech ABPMs and analysis of the measurements can be done either by the fast and simple-to-use EasyABPM or by the complex and professional CardioVisions software. EasyABPM has been developed to manage ABPM-05 and ABPM-04 Holter blood pressure monitor only, while CardioVisions is compatible with other Meditech devices as well.
Both applications enable quick and easy programming of your Holter blood pressure monitor, detailed statistics on daytime, nighttime and overall blood pressure readings, charts, histograms and reporting functions. You can create, save and load your own holter blood pressure monitor plan anytime, in this way programming of your device is really quick and simple. Integrated patient database and backup function for safe storage of your patient data is also possible.
Both software applications are compatible with Windows-based operating systems. Multi-lingual use is available. The latest language versions of both CardioVisions and EasyABPM software can be downloaded from Meditech corporate website after registration.
Both EasyABPM and CardioVisions can be installed and maintained on several personal computers at no cost.
Main differences between EasyABPM and CardioVisions Holter blood pressure monitor software
1. Compatibility
EasyABPM: ABPM-05 and ABPM-04 only.
CardioVisions: ABPM-05, ABPM-04, BlueBP-05 and other Meditech Holter ECG devices and ECG event recorders.
2. Password and login name
EasyABPM: no availability.
CardioVisions: creating minimum one user with a login name is necessary. Using password can be eliminated.
3. Complexity
EasyABPM: provides quick programming, analysis and reporting for busy general practices.
CardioVisions: can be used for Holter blood pressure monitor research purposes, as it allows more complex statistics and more user-definable settings.
4. Personal and Network use
EasyABPM: only for personal use.
CardioVisions: both for personal and network use.
5. Report funtions
EasyABPM: standard Holter blood pressure monitor report content, pdf report is available.
CardioVisions: standard and editable Holter blood pressure report content.